Our SAIL program (Sustaining Achievements for Independent Living) supports families transitioning from shelter into permanent housing by providing resources that assist them in establishing long-term stability and independence.
The process begins while families are still in shelter. Once employment is secured and families are showing progress in their shelter goals, they establish a projected budget for living in the community. We then help them develop a housing plan to determine future options that are safe and affordable.
Finally, we assist families in searching for apartments and accessing community resources that help with first month’s rent and security deposits. When families are ready to move in, we also reach out to other local nonprofits and the FPM network for support in collecting household goods, furniture, and supplies.
FPM offers subsidies to families in the SAIL program for one year in areas that address their individual needs including housing costs, debt, or the initial costs of establishing day care or transportation options. Families then meet with their family coach a minimum of once a month to review their budget and progress toward the goals that will ensure long-term success.
In 2019, we added a new model to our SAIL program: a two-family home that provides affordable housing for up to two years for families that have a parent enrolled in a long-term educational program. The home is owned by the Natick Affordable Housing Trust, while FPM selects families to move in and supports them with ongoing coaching, particularly relating to reaching their educational goals. This new addition to our program provides stable, affordable housing and support to parents truly committed to furthering their education and improving their employment opportunities.