Many private and corporate foundations generously support our programs and  organization. Their confidence in our work plays a key role in our current and future success. In 2024, we received funds from the following foundations:

Cummings Foundation

In May 2023, we were thrilled to receive a significant three-year grant from Cummings Foundation, furthering its impact with our organization and the families we serve. We are so grateful for the foundation's support and dedication to improving the lives of families across the Commonwealth!

Stable, affordable housing is a critical pathway to economic mobility, but it is far too often overlooked in philanthropy. By supporting Family Promise Metrowest, we are able to help more local families and children overcome housing challenges and thrive as a result of the holistic services they receive. We share our deepest thanks to your staff and thousands of volunteers who are creating new opportunities and paths every day for hard-working families in our community.”

Nancy Huntington Stager
President and CEO, Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation